Castaways Doc

“Castaways” is a doc currently being filmed by Covid Castaways. The aim is to shed light on Long COVID & the fallout from the COVID Pandemic. It features COVID Long Hauler & Co-Founder of the Long COVID Foundation, Devin Russell, traveling the United States & Canada in a renovated 2000 Fleetwood Sunrise 32V RV doing in-person interviews with fellow COVID Longer Haulers, researchers, & others.
There are many angles to Long COVID and the suffering it causes. Additionally, there are several other groups of people who have been harmed by the COVID Pandemic as well. This doc aims to shed light on these people and their struggles. Their challenges need to be illuminated in order for society as a whole to do better for these people still suffering, some going on more than 5 years now. They need the appropriate help they deserve and require.
The doc is currently being funded by Devin. Additional monetary support may be needed for editing, music cost, & other technical aspects of the doc. Please reach out to the email below if you’re interested in supporting or participating in this vital doc.
You can find more on Instagram @CovidCastaways & on Twitter/X @CastawaysDoc.
Please provide any comments, questions, or suggestions to
For additional information, and to see the #LongCOVIDRV trip routes, please visit